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Showing posts from 2017

Customer Experience Starts with Customer Courtesy

The way you make a customer feel about you and your business or the company you work for determines if they would buy from you. We really cannot do business without the right impression. Customer courtesy is a vital component of customer experience and a determinant of customer satisfaction. It is the respect you accord customers as recognition of their value to your business. Many businesses display beautifully worded and framed service charters but act contrary because they lack the knowledge of customer courtesy and its benefit to their business or just choose to be non-chalant. Regardless of what side of the coin a business belongs to, customer experience stands a huge chance of being distasteful without customer courtesy. The common practice in non-customercentric firms is that the service charter remains the dream of management while the employees do as they please. Right from the very moment customers start seeking a business to patronize in your niche, or get attracted t

....Not your Customers' Business

Many businesses unknowingly communicate their ineffectiveness and point their customers to their competitors when they discuss issues that are not the customers' business with the customers. Businesses deal with a lot of issues in their business environment and their ability to manage these issues either put them ahead of their competitors (competitive advantage) or point their customers to the competitors. It is ridiculous to hear business owners shift the blame of service errors to their employees in the presence of customers; most times with the aim of saving their faces and making their employees look ineffective, they fail to realize that they are only exposing their lack of good business management practices. While small and medium scale businesses are viable sources of growth for a nation's economy, sole proprietors must know when to employ capable hands to carry out key business roles as the business grows. Most sole proprietors assume roles they know they ar

The Unwritten Contract of Trust Between Businesses and Customers

Every business has an unwritten contract of trust with customers that patronize them. The trust contract includes such agreements like: The product or service you are rendering is what you say it is  It is of the quality you say it is It has the features you say it has It renders the benefits you say it offers It is as durable as you say it is …. Much more than the formal contracts we sign with clients, the unwritten trust contract fosters loyalty. It registers your business as a dependable brand in the sub-conscious of your customers . It makes your business the first name that comes to mind when your product or service is needed. Need we say more about the ills you bring on your business when the contract of trust is breached? Some customers might fall victim of the falsehood you have laced your business with, but sooner than you expect, the unsuspecting customer becomes aware of your falsehood and they switch to your competitors. The best advert or promot