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Showing posts from October, 2017

Customer Experience Starts with Customer Courtesy

The way you make a customer feel about you and your business or the company you work for determines if they would buy from you. We really cannot do business without the right impression. Customer courtesy is a vital component of customer experience and a determinant of customer satisfaction. It is the respect you accord customers as recognition of their value to your business. Many businesses display beautifully worded and framed service charters but act contrary because they lack the knowledge of customer courtesy and its benefit to their business or just choose to be non-chalant. Regardless of what side of the coin a business belongs to, customer experience stands a huge chance of being distasteful without customer courtesy. The common practice in non-customercentric firms is that the service charter remains the dream of management while the employees do as they please. Right from the very moment customers start seeking a business to patronize in your niche, or get attracted t