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Showing posts from January, 2014

Keep Mandela Alive: Service Excellence

KEEP MANDELA ALIVE Customercentrix commiserates with South Africa, Africa and the rest of the world on the passing of a renowned enigma: Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba).  We pray his legacies live on as we also enjoin you all to join in the fight against bad service in all forms and sizes of organisations and institutions. The Mandela freedom we all celebrate today, is a product of a res ilient voice, a ready heart and an uncompromising spirit . Customercentrix's vision is that Africa boasts of organisations that not only display service charters, but practice the tenets of service excellence by upholding the rights of customers and delivering excellent service. We all, even these organisations, stand to gain from embracing service excellence. The simple contribution you can give to this cause is to share your service experiences on any of Customercentrix's social media: Here on Facebook,Twitter or on our blog. That way,we'l