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Showing posts from August, 2018

Why Recommendations Might Not Help Your Decision to Buy (The Nigerian Context)

We seek protection for our money, time and effort when we seek recommendations to inform our decision to procure goods and services. Our usual sources of recommendations are : family members, friends or sometimes friends of friends whom we feel share our interests and would recommend only the best or those they have tried or tested. We rely on the safety nest we build for ourselves in their recommendation(s). This might sometimes not work because our preferences might not be replicas of theirs or their judgment of our preferences might actually be wrong. Subjectivity comes to play most times and I dare say how many people are 100 percent objective when buying? We are often times buying from someone because the seller is our friend, the seller is courteous, the seller also bought from us and we are returning the patronage, the seller will get offended if we are seen buying from someone else, the seller needs help, and buying from them might be a boost, the seller was recommended

Left-handers Day 2018: Customer Experience Challenges of Left- handers

Left-handers are a group of customers who are seldom catered for in our righties world. Even though they are considered a minority, they exist and they count as customers whose satisfaction should be priority for any business. Customercentricity is in the details - paying attention to the needs of your customer and structuring your business processes to accommodate their unique needs and preferences. Right from Kindergarten, left-handed children are forgotten by most schools. They are conditioned to write with their right hands as desks are designed for righties. Even while playing games the needs of a left-handed child are not factored into game rules. This forces a lot of them to be introverted; no one loves to be the odd one out.  Service areas in most companies  are designed for righties. Attempting to sign a document with the pen hanging on the right, write in a note pad stringed on the left, cut with a right handed scissors all pose challenges for a left-handed cu

Customer Appreciation: Do your customers feel appreciated ?

Businesses can lose their sense of customer appreciation just as some lovers lose their first spark over time. Whether in business or love relationship, it takes work to show appreciation in a way that the other party recognises and values.  The only difference however is that in business, only one party is saddled with the responsibility of not just communicating but showing appreciation, and that party is the business. Customers also show appreciation to businesses that value them in somewhat subtle ways, this includes: repeat business, loyalty and advocacy. I'm a bit tempted to say businesses are like men and customers like women but, I would rather not say so. Many businesses put in more work to win new customers than to keep old ones. They would rather increase their Customer Acquisition Cost (cost of advertising, marketing, free samples, hiring employees etc) than invest in their Customer Appreciation Cost which more often that not is way lesser than the Customer Acquis