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Showing posts from December, 2013


. It's the festive season again. That time we all love because of the merriment and colour it adds to our relationships and lives. It's a season individuals, families and businesses look forward to. Customercentrix is not left out of this frenzy,we also love the festive season As lovely as the season is, it has its share of challenges and opportunities for those who look be yond its rush of activities. For many retail companies, it's the 'all-must-go season'. Old stock that have refused to go with the earlier months of the year just have to go. Some customers see the festive season as a time to do bulk shopping for the long stretch of holiday and also in preparation of the likely high prices that usually accompany the new year. We do know that goods and services get sold at ridiculously cheap prices at this time,but we also know that many customers get stuck in the purchases they make during the festive season and carry the burden through the new year. Wha

Customer's Eyes: Business Attachments

Easily overlooked attachments to your business can give your customers a wrong impression about your business.  Imagine a salon with an unkempt convenience(toilet).If you're customercentric,you would know customers who sit for hours to make their hair would definitely have need for a well kept convenience . HOW A CUSTOMER'S MIND MIGHT RUN If the convenience is so dirty, I wonder if their combs and t owels are washed. They just might be using same dirty buckets from that convenience in the salon.The salon is the best around but will I sit for a million braids and not even have a cold drink? What if I have to use the convenience? I can't subject myself to such filth, I would rather go for a place where I won't have to burst my bladder. The customer runs into a friend. Friend : Hi Customer : Hello Friend : You're still wearing this hair style of yours after how many weeks (Customer's reputation at stake) Customer :Don't mind me,I ought t

How to Choose the Right Festive Gifts for your Customers

GIFTS THAT SPEAK It's that time of the year when businesses show some appreciation to their customers. How do you intend making your business the preferred choice this festive season and in the coming year? At just a little cost,you can engrave your business in the hearts of your customers. You might have such excuses like 'my business has just started', 'my business is small', 'I have just few cus tomers', 'my competitors have a larger market share' and so on. As true as all these might be, do you also remember that: Your business is not the only one in the industry? There are new entrants almost every day into any industry? That customers still own the purchasing power? That gifts could be memorable? That customers still own the power of choice? So much needs not be spent to show customers appreciation for their patronage . The gimmick is getting the right gift that creates the longest lasting memory . It needs n