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Many businesses get caught up in the technicalities and frenzy of the industries they belong to till they forget how to communicate with their customers. Customer communication doesn't just happen. It's the product of a conscious effort of observation and study. 

Before we go too far? When was the last time you spent a day engaging your customers to connect with them? Or if it's a large company, how conscious are your customer service employees in studying the customers.

Many businesses lose relevance too soon because they let go of the little things that mean so much
. Ever tried speaking like a child to connect with a customer's child at your store, ever gotten the attention of a fly teenager by speaking using the latest slang. Business is not for the rigid. Get out of the 'you -zone' because it's not about you but your customers.

Stimulated? Let Customercentrix help you out! Call now:
+27 847084715


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