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Communication versus connection

Communication versus connection
Customer Service is a fast evolving field and customer service employees could get stale at a single turn of events. No thanks to the ever changing taste and attitude of us humans, customer service employees need a lot of catching up at all times. That notwithstanding, customer service is an interesting field that entails connection to our humanness in far reaching ways that words won’t be sufficient to capture.
Important as good communication is to a successful customer service, it is no longer sufficient. Customers want a customer service representative that can communicate in simple, understandable terms, as well as understand all they request. They want someone who can meet their demands and possibly even surpass them to give the customers satisfaction. Customer demands could be a daunting task to customer service employees who merely communicate but don’t connect with customers.
Ever heard this before? ‘Immediately we met, we connected. It seemed we had known each other for so long’ It does happen. Such immediate synergy is a very useful tool for a seamless customer service and a wow service experience. Connection helps communication and the bedrock of effective customer service is communication. How then do we connect?
The service style a customer service staff employs in a given situation should be derived from the kind of customer that is being dealt with. Right from when the customer steps into your service area, a good customer service staff should begin the analysis of the customer’s personality. Your responses and gestures as a customer service staff should be in a ‘tango’ with cues from your customer. Let the customer take the ‘solo’ and you, the ‘chorus’. Let the human side of you reflect when attending to your customer. Don’t just act like an automated machine. Make the customer see your willingness and gladness to help.
If connection will make communication easy, why tow the hard way? Many customer service staff retire from work each day feeling exhausted because they spent the day being machines in human clothing. A virtual Assistant shouldn’t perform better than you. Connect, don’t just communicate!


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